这些句子都是我平时在工作中作为 UX researcher (用户体验研究员),在跟用户做产品的 usability test (可用性测试) 的时候,常对用户说的几句话。
There's absolutely no right or wrong answers.
What do you expect to see next?
Please do NOT click on anything until I ask you to. I’d love to know your thoughts before you act on anything.
You sound surprised. Can you tell me more?
The content and look-and-feel of these designs are not final so things will likely change.
Remember to think out loud as you explore. Pretend your brain is on speakerphone so I can easily follow along (ex. let us know what you’re looking at, if something is interesting/confusing... the more you say, the better!)
Lastly, I did not design these so I promise you cannot offend me in any way. You can’t be wrong today in your feedback!